Terms of Service

  1. You are renting a safe deposit box for a specific period of months/years for a stated rental charge. If you renew the lease upon expiry, this agreement will also get renewed automatically.
  2. You have the right to access your safe deposit box during normal business hours, other than a holiday or other emergency.
  3. We will grant access after 24/7 hours for a fee of ฿1500 or ฿3000 on according to our schedule.
  4. You can allow up to 2 other people to access your locker.
  5. A security deposit is required. It will be refunded when your rental term ends, less any damage, outstanding charges and return both keys.
  6. You agree to not use the locker for storing any illegal/harmful/perishable items, If we have a reason to believe you violated this term or there is an official court order, you will allow us access to inspect the contents and accept full responsibility if you have violated the terms. We will try to contact you first before taking any action but are not required to do so.
  7. You are given both keys to your safe deposit box we do not retain any copies. We do not have access to and cannot be held responsible for the contents of your locker. You have not given us anything for safekeeping, you are only renting the safe deposit box from us, so we cannot be held liable for it.
  8. If you have caused any loss or damage to the keys or box or facility, you will be held responsible for the costs.
  9. You agree to take care of the box and shall allow inspection if necessary.
  10. If you end the rental early or violate the contract, you will not get any refund for the unused part of the term. If we terminate the rental for any other reason, you will receive a refund on the unused portion. If you do not have any outstanding dues, you will receive the security deposit in full.
  11. When your lease has expired and you have not paid the renewal fees, we will deny you access to your locker. You will be charged the rental fee for the overdue period plus a late penalty of 5% of the outstanding balance every 30 days that you are late. For a short-term rental, if your account is 60 days overdue OR for a 1-year lease if your account is 180 days overdue, we have the right to forcibly gain access to your safe deposit box. Keep the contents as liquidated damages, and attempt to recover your outstanding balance by disposing of your assets. We cannot be held liable for any such action.
  12. In case you are incapacitated, disappear, or die, Safe Deposit Box Chiang Mai has the right to protect you by preventing access to your locker. If you are the sole operator of your locker, your surviving relative must produce legal evidence that they have been given control of your estate in order to gain access. All rental fees and penalties must be paid in full and any damages and key replacement if applicable must also be satisfied for them to gain access
  13. If you violate the terms of the contract or there is a court order, you will be given 30 days to clear the contents and return the locker to us, or else we will proceed as per 11.
  14. If we need to relocate your safe deposit box, we will give you at least 30 days prior notice. If you do not agree, we will refund you the unused portion of your rental term.
  15. We will use e-mail as our main method of communication. It is your responsibility to inform us of any change in contact information.
  16. We will keep your information private and confidential. We will cooperate with any law/government agency if required by the law.
  17. If you violate this contract, you are responsible for any related damages/costs incurred by us.
  18. We cannot be held responsible for acts of Nature, acts of God, or other disasters such as fire, riots, terrorism, armed robbery, or any other acts beyond our reasonable control.
  19. If we amend any of the terms of this agreement, we will give you at least 30 days’ written notice.
  20. If there is a 3rd party at fault, we cannot be held responsible and such a matter must be pursued directly with them.
  21. You confirm the amount paid upon signing this rental agreement and accept the receipt of 2 keys for which we have not retained any copies.
  22. We will protect your rights to the best of our ability. If there is a court order and we are required to comply. We will do our best to contact you beforehand. We do not have direct access to your box or any knowledge of its contents, we will request the authorities to contact you first.
  23. If there is a strong reason for us to believe that you are storing something in your locker that violates the terms of our agreement, we will make every effort to contact you immediately. Only in the event that you cannot be reached or are unavailable to address the situation will we be forced to take further action.
    1. You have stored perishables or Liquids which are leaking or causing an odor from inside your locker.
    2. A government authority has come to us with a court order in your name ordering the contents of your locker to be inspected.
    3. Your account has been expired for over 180 days, and we have been unable to make any contact with you.
      In all cases, our first priority is to try to contact you and inform you about the situation. We will not take further action unless we have no other choice. Even in the event that we are forced to open and inspect the contents of your box, the process will be clearly documented on paper and on camera with witnesses present, and the contents will be sealed and kept securely in an alternate location if possible.
  24. What happens if I become physically or mentally incapacitated?
    If you have assigned a Power of Attorney, they retain operating rights to your locker.
  25. What Happens if I die?
    The court-appointed administrator of your estate must bring the appropriate legal documents (death certificate, court orders including Letter of Administration, will (if applicable) and passport copies of the deceased, the Administrator, and inheritor). If these documents are from overseas, they must be translated, certified, and deemed valid in a Thai court of law. The Thai embassy in your home country may be able to assist in this matter. All rental and penalties must be paid in full.